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Showing posts from November, 2013

Federal Criminal Checks and Importance

What Do Bernie Madoff, Al Capone and The Unabomber Have In Common? Understanding Federal Criminal Background Checks                   If you’re running a criminal background check by adhering to best practices, including a search in each county to determine if your candidate has any convictions on his/her record, then you might consider your employment background screening program both thorough and accurate. But even if your background check company conducts a thorough search, there could be another piece of the puzzle missing: what if your candidate was convicted of a federal crime? Well-known federal convicts include Bernie Madoff, former Illinois Governor’s Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan, John Dillinger, Al Capone, The Unabomber, John Gotti and Aldrich Ames. Unfortunately, a county criminal background check would not include these federal convictions or any others.  However, there is a...