New Jersey Court Approves $870,000 Employment Background Check Settlement There have been a flurry of class action lawsuits brought against employers for failure to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). And by no means are these cases for the feint of heart. Typically, we’ve seen settlements range from several hundred thousand dollars to tens of millions. Well, apparently not everyone has gotten the memo, so if you are concerned about maintaining compliant background check practices, you’ll want to read on. Last week, a New Jersey federal court approved an $870,000 class settlement against a trucking company who didn’t think they needed to obtain consent from their job candidates to conduct an employment background check . Not only didn’t they have consent, but clearly accuracy wasn’t i...
Secure Employment Group (SEG) is a pre-employment screening company that optimizes your hiring process, allowing you to reduce hiring mistakes, strengthen the selection process, improve employee productivity, and ultimately enrich your bottom line. Our tools and services have helped employers of all sizes and industries achieve a higher level of profitability, performance, and production. Find out why our clients continue to trust the SEG difference.