"The Secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings"-Dave Weinbaun
Spring is one of my favorite seasons. It gives us a chance to reflect back on the year prior,be thank-ful for the present, and be hopeful for the future, as we refresh our minds and bodies. I love waking up to a beautiful bright orange sunrise that greets me as I drink my coffee in my family room and prepare for my day. I can hear the birds outside chirping.As I wait for the bus with my children and do not need my heavy Winter coat I am again reminded how much I do love the warmer weather.I start my day with a walk outside so that I can feel the warm sunshine on my face and remind myself of how very blessed I am for my family and all of the people in my life I love, and reflect on my day ahead. I love the sunroof open and the fresh air coming through the car, and the extra spring in my step. I love to see the buds on the trees starting to blossom, and the tulips rising out of the ground. Springtime offers such bright and vibrant colors in flowers and in our wardrobes. Out with the big coats and sweaters and in with the vibrant colors.I love going to my son's baseball games and seeing all of our friends that we have missed all Winter. The anticipation to when the "pool" will be open, so that we can go into the next season of Summer.
This Spring is even more extraordinary in my professional life as starting my own business has been the greatest adventure.Launching your own company is filled with "firsts" and the unknown.It is an obvious and natural time to feel excitement and anticipation.
In My personal life my children are a constant source of new beginnings. They are always amazing me and fill me with a sense of wonder. I wish you and your loved ones to take the extra time to smell the flowers, listen for the birds chirping, enjoy the beautiful blue sky, go for a walk, breath in the fresh air and give "thanks" for yourself and all that you have in your life as it is a beautiful gift.
Spring is the perfect time to rekindle those “fresh starts”!
I think this is the ideal time to look for renewed inspiration in your business and in your life. Inspiration is all around you. The welcome bloom of the trees and the emergence of the first tulips and crocuses - each serve as a reminder that rebirth is possible.
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